
Portman's Family

I really wanna try to do a book about a little girl with her grandpa and dog. The story is about love, faith and magic. I did this pic for my own new story Portmanteau. Portmanteau will be an adventure story and happen in a world which is parallel to our world. That will be a parallel universe's story. Please wait for update about this and did you remember Max? The little vampire boy. Actually he just disguised to an vampire. He will be there! Just wait! I will try my best to do this one!
Hope you like this pic!

Little Max

I did this character for fun. Just wanna try something different. Little Max is a watercolor style character design, maybe will appear on my next book. I will do some more character sheet and maybe the whole character packet for him. Just wanna try if I can handle the character design or concept design job.


Lily and Lavender laptop

I did this illustration for Stichting Culturele Droomwevers and this project is free. But I could have a chance to have a book with the other 36 artists in the different area and the book will publish soon.
There website is http://www.droomwevers.nl/
Please go and have a look.
And I wanna share my illustration here, hope you like it!


The post of Shudian

I did a post for Shudian.
Shudian is the biggest online Chinese book store.
The website is:

This is a very interesting project and Josh give me a lot of freedom of this pic. Everyone knows:"Innovation is the freedom of creativity." So I thought we can try to make it very Chinese!
The post is about a building, a Chinese building, a book shop, magic store, etc.
I did my line works first.I showed Josh 20 different window and line works and then he chose this one as final.

After this line works, I made 12 color works and sent to Josh. I told Josh I knew he only need one but I wanna show him some different and hope he like them all.

Josh chose the number 5 as the final and I also send him the other 5 versions. Also the line works! He can easy to change the color and also can do some add color game for the young customers!
The final post is here and don;t forget check his online book store!

The Legend of Nian already published online! Go and Check the Book!

Hello! Everyone and long time no update!
Sorry about that and I wanna show you about my now books here.
This book I illustrated for Reading A-Z and the name is "The Legend of Nian".
Use the Reading A-Z's presentation:
"Nian is a dragon beast that comes out of the ocean once a year and eats people. He especially likes to eat children. One year, an old man arrives and says he can keep the dragon beast away. Will he succeed? The Legend of Nian presents the classic Chinese myth with beautiful illustrations and is a great way to introduce students to the Chinese New Year. The story will also provide opportunities to teach students about characters, adjectives, and onomatopoeia."

That's very interesting Chinese story and hope you like the book! Please go and check the book!

I just wanna show you some pages of the book.

Looks interesting? And wanna know all the story and see all of my 10 color pages?
Go online and check Reading A-Z!

Thank you very much Bev! Cause you I had this chance to work for this wonderful story! Love all of Learning A-Z's people. You are so sweet and I love your holiday cards! Waiting for next  cooperation!

Enjoy the book!
