
Character Design

I would like to do some character design for concept art!
I took a character design class before but only can find two drawings right now.
Miss Connie Kang! Thank you help me to thinking, drawing and trying differences!
Those are 2D character design. Let me try some 3D in this summer!

The Real Princess

The real princess drawings are my Children's Book Illustration Assignments of Angela about 1 years ago. I almost thought I lost all of this drawings but I was wrong! I found them in my garage and so exciting! Thank you Angela! And miss all my classmates so much!



Fabric Drawing

My fabric drawing is here.
This on is a practice and coat me only 2 hours.
Love to do some practice and that's really helpful for my drawing!
Share with you, hope you like it!



I found some charcoal pencils' drawings in my old computer.
Those my first semester's assignments of Academy of Art University.
My teacher is Tae Park; very charming, clever and cool lady. She was very strict. I really learn a lot of thing from her. Not only the drawing skill! I miss her so much!
Best wishes to Tae! Really want to see you again!
let me show you two drawings about that class!
Monday is coming and I need a job! Haha!


The Big Red

The Big Red is my final thesis project of Academy of Art University.

This is my first own story: About a little Chinese Girl followed her pet dog went to a big red fish's mouth then found a very beautiful animal's world there. The little girl got some new animal friends and had a very good memorial time.

About the final illustration, I did two different styles: paint and ink and very colorful watercolor drawing. The paint and ink is my first idea. I really enjoyed to do that but only the outside world about the big red fish. Because in my mind, I wanted to build two very different worlds: the human worlds and the animal worlds in the big red fish. For the human worlds was a no color or two colors world: just like the black and white world. The inside of the big fish's mouth is a very charming and colorful world! All bright would be there and everybody felt very peaceful and happy. The paint and ink made the human world looks good and very different from the other artist's artworks but not for the animal world. I tried a lot of time to make the inside with the paint and ink but no successful. The line works made the illustration has a grey feeling and too dark for the inside world. Then I talked with Angela, John and Julie about this problem, the gave me a good suggestion: try a no line works' way and do the inside world's drawing first. I just started another way  to do my final but only 1 and half month left from my final review! Sounds crazy but I need to try. Actually, I have another very different style final project need to finish. although need to do the final thesis summary and book dummy with and without text. I already knew I cannot sleep in the left time before my final review. Then I start to do my colorful style and the beginning was so hard. I needed to give up my line works and change to only the color! After two week, I made it! the first drawing  was done! And that is the most difficult one on this story! That's about all the animal looked at fireworks with the little girl. I was so happy and I just trusted myself I can finish everything in next 4 weeks. 

About this story, I almost spent 8 months to thinking and drawing. And at that moment, everything looked good but I need to start to do my book dummy! My boyfriend Jamie helped me to do some Photoshop works and scanning.  And very beautiful Adrienne checked my text for me. She's so good and after her changes, that's a real children's book simple story! I asked my friend Jean, who is a very clever sister and good at graphic design and printing. She took me to some good paper shop to get some good textured paper to print my dummy. And I asked James and Gracie to borrow their apt to print. Because the wonderful printer was in James' home. He need to print this semester's final and Gracie had a lot of fashion marketing works to do. That's not easy to understand for me!  So they should be helped me to make a book dummy by myself. After a no sleep weekend, I just finished two of my hand-made book dummies in James and Gracie's sweet home. And Jean helped me to do a very beautiful hard cover! Thank you so much, my friends! Sorry for making you trouble! I used Gracie's mac book pro to print and made her have no time to do her assignments! Such a bad girl, Chengcheng!

James and Gracie, you are so good and always help me! I really love you so much! You are such a perfect couple in the world! Go marry ASAP! Best wishes and I will bring a big gift for you!

The good news is everybody love my illustrations and book dummy!
I just want to share with you about that.
First is the old version; paint and ink works:

And then is the new version, watercolor and colored pencil works:

I also want to show you my beautiful book dummy:
You also can see my font I designed for this story!
Hope you love this!

Today's doggie drawings

I want to bid a freelance job on freelanced.com.
That picture book series about the life and times of writer's dog whom she rescued from Costa Rica in 2006. I just drew two sketches and one illustration.
Love this dog very much! Cute and funny! Just like my little bunny!
Really want to help them to do those books, cause the writer said:  proceeds will help fund dog rescue world wide! Sounds so cool!
Show you the drawings!
Hope you love them!

Ps: I will post my academy works as soon as possible! wait for me! : )

My websites

I got three websites but no one is my individual one!
I will do my individual one in next 2 weeks with my boyfriend's help!
Hope can be finished in the end of this month!
Share the link right now:

Children's Illustration:http://www.childrensillustrators.com/Chengcheng 


I will update the freelanced and children's illustration's one almost everyday and you can just go there and check them!
Thank you for looking!

Hello! Chengcheng is coming

Hello! Chengcheng is here as a children's book illustrator here!
So happy! I just graduate and start my own illustrator life!
I will show you my drawings, sketches, assignments and ideas here.
About the 3-year-learning, I really need to thank you: Angela, John, Julie, Tae Park, Susan and Bill! Thank you so much for helping me in this 3 years!
Keep look at me! I will try my best to be a good children's book illustrator!
Best wishes for you all!